University of Camerino the international School of Advanced Studies
Ph.D. in Computer Science and Mathematics
Camerino, Italien
3 Years
Engelsk, Italienska
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Area: Computer Science and Mathematics
- Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems
- Computing and Mathematics
- Cybersecurity
- Data Science and Machine Learning
- Embedded Systems and IoT
- Process Management
- Software and Information System Engineering
Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems
- Adaptive control and optimization
- Adaptation policies
- Collective and adaptive systems
- Knowledge representation and autonomic reasoning
Computing and Mathematics
- Algebraic and logical aspects of computing)
- Computational Models and Models of Computation
- Formal languages
- Algebraic languages for specific domains
- Model theory
- Methodological aspects of science education
- Access Control and Resource Usage Policies
- Distributed Ledger Technologies
- Design of Resilient Systems
- Network security
- Intrusion Detection Systems
Data Science and Machine Learning
- Data-driven models of complex systems
- Topology-based data analysis methods
- Data-driven system verification
- Optimization and econometric techniques
- Discriminative and generative modeling
Embedded Systems and IoT
- Middleware and services
- Communication and networking for wireless and embedded systems
- Specifica, progettazione e analisi, e verifica di sistemi embedded distribuiti
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Energy efficiency and harvesting
Process Management
- Continuous improvement of Process-Aware Information Systems
- Collaborative and Distributed Business Process Enactment including Blockchain
- Models for Process Intensive Systems
- Process Mining Techniques
- Simulation and Verification of Data-Aware Collaboration Models
Software and Information System Engineering
- Engineering of Enterprise Architecture
- Applied Formal Methods and Verification Tools
- Testing and Verification in a distributed setting
- Quantitative Analysis and Tools
- Runtime Monitoring and Verification