BSL är stolta över att erbjuda partiella stipendier till värdiga kandidater på en behovs- och meritbas, intresserade av att utnyttja affärer som en kraft för det goda! Antagningskommittén förbehåller sig rätten att inhämta finansiella rapporter för att bekräfta den stipendiesökandes ekonomiska behov. Ansökningar kommer endast att beaktas när de lämnas in med en fullständig ansökningsfil i det inledande ansökningsskedet . I utbyte mot en sänkning av studieavgifterna kommer stipendiat att kunna ge ett positivt bidrag till BSL gemenskapen och ha möjlighet att utnyttja sina talanger.
Applicants are reviewed on an individual basis and are evaluated based on how they intend to contribute their talents to the community of students, faculty, and staff of BSL.
To apply for a scholarship, you should provide a Scholarship Letter together with your complete file at the initial application stage. Your Scholarship Letter should indicate whether you are applying for a scholarship based on merit or financial need. In the case of the latter, you should emphasize your financial condition and the reasons why you need the funding. Regardless of whether you apply for a merit- or need-based scholarship, your letter should address the following:
- Why do you believe you deserve the merit or need-based Scholarship
- Describe your talent(s) or contribution to BSL and its student community (this should link to specific activities that are provided in the attached process document)
- Describe why your talent(s) would be important and add value to BSL and its student community
- Outline your need and expectation in terms of a % of a scholarship and link this to the scope of contribution to the BSL community
Interested in more information on our partial scholarship program, fill in the form below and get in touch with us!